Y–Brew 0x02 — St. Peters India Pale Ale

Well, Y-Brew 0x02 is in the fermenter.

A simple kit again — St. Peter’s India Pale Ale. In no way adulterated… yet.

The OG at 27°C looked to be about 1048, which the Brewer’s Friend temp adjustment calculator suggests to be about 1049 @ 20°C. This seems right for giving a FG above 5% (final target ABV is 5.5% — but that takes into account priming for secondary I expect).

I’m relying on a new glass hydrometer now, as the Cooper’s one seems to be way out of whack. (So who knows what Y–Brew 0x01’s ABV actually is!)

The hop powder provided was scattered in onto foam from 5 minutes of vigorous agitation (oxygenation), followed by the contents of the yeast sachet. “Pitch” temperature was about 27°C.

Vague intention to split this into two two–gallon pressure barrels and dry–hop one with Simcoe. But to do that pressure barrels must be bought, which is about £50. Could be very useful for making split brews in future though, a two gallon barrel is easier to take away and also fits in the fridge better.

This will be the last kit brew I do. Going to try extract next, probably with steeped grain using a recipe from either the Brew Your Own British Real Ale or Radical Brewing book.

Now… the waiting begins. Time to pop a Y-Brew 0x01 into the fridge perhaps!


  • Brew Kit: St. Peter’s India Pale Ale (5.5%)
  • Hops: Provided, sachet of Goldings powder plus “hop enhancer”
  • Yeast: Provided
  • Pitch Temp: 27°C
  • Date: 2012-08-27 @ ~16:00
  • OG: 1048 @ 27°C (thus ~1049)

2 thoughts on “Y–Brew 0x02 — St. Peters India Pale Ale

  1. Four bottles were taken off two weeks ago, just before I tossed 30g of simcoe into the top of the fermenter.

    This sat in fermenter for a very long time – just been super busy! But a sample indicates it tastes none too bad.

    On Sept 26th I took off one bottle from the bottom & one bottle from the top. The “middle” went into a barrel (14kg/~14l – only half full) and 75g of brewers sugar was added. After a day I released a bit of gas (just checking!) and then injected C02 (yesterday). Intending to leave put for 2 weeks now.

    Poor thing hasn’t been treated very well! Will be interesting to see how it turns out…

  2. Reflecting waaay back. This worked out OK albeit a bit “twangy”. The beer in barrel developed pelnty of C02 and we enjoyed it with friends at a BBQ at home. Feedback was positive (then again, I’d expect that even if it really sucked… people are too kind.) I thought it a but “twangy” but entirely drinkable. I drank most of it myself over the next 2 weeks. It just sat outside in the cold. I injected extra C02 when the pressure started to go, to avoid letting in O2. Ca’t say the Simcoe really seemed to add much…

What do you think?